Our diaper-frond course is specially designed to meet the needs of our youngest guests up to four years of age. With the "malbi-Park" we have an exclusive children's area in the heart of Malbun with a carousel (malbi-Rondo) for the first attempts at standing on skis, a 40 meter long pony lift and a covered conveyor belt. Big and small meet there to warm up, for a small lunch or a short break. The diaper-frond course is designed for at least three days and aims to develop a feeling for equipment and sport. It is primarily important to us to convey the joy of winter sports to the young up-and-coming athletes.
TARIFFS (children)
suitable for 3 year olds
1 day
2 days
3 days
1 x 2 hours
2 x 2 hours
3 x 2 hours
At the assembly point of the snow sports school opposite the Hotel Gorfion
Good to know
Every Monday to Wednesday (10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)
Lift ticket is not included in the course ( Bergbahnen Malbun AG )
Equipment is not included in the course ( Malbunsport )
Class size at least 5 to a maximum of 13 children
The snow sports school is neither liable for accidents during lessons nor for their consequences
Insurance is the responsibility of the participant
Every commenced day is calculated as a full day
EUR prices are subject to exchange rate fluctuations and may deviate from the prices quoted
Click here for the terms and conditions and cancellation conditions